Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Misterio Malbec - @@@ (3 Corks)

Retail: $7.99 (Total Wine)

Not for the faint of heart, the Misterio Malbec is a full-bodied, robust wine. Almost smoke-y in smell, this wine delivers on flavor. Aged in oak for four years, this particular malbec starts with a tartness that transforms into a dry finish that lingers on the tongue well after your final sip. I'm not entirely sure what someone would pair with this--- perhaps something Italian, it has a very commanding taste that deserves every bit of your attention.

One thing is for certain, that signature wine buzz that we all associate with reds is quite prevalent in this tasty varietal. So, I urge you to drink (with caution). I personally think it is best paired with a good book---or trashy gossip mag--curled up on the couch on a cold winter's day.

Final Word: Not for wine neophytes. A soloist, it should be enjoyed alone in flavor. @@@ (3 corks)