Saturday, June 13, 2009

Banrock Station - Merlot @@@@ (4 corks)

Retails: Gift (but again, I was assured it was under $10) :)

My parents have a home in Maine and a condo in Florida. Unlike many people my age, my folks are retired and come down to Florida to visit almost every month. We get along extremely well so I'm thrilled that we get to visit this often. I'm originally from Maine and have little reason to visit anymore other than my folks and my best friend from high school. When my parents visit, we usually eat fantastic food cooked by my live-in boyfriend and kill a bottle (or two) of wine each visit.

This last time around, they were only here for a couple of days. The last day of their visit, they surprised me and my boy with a bottle of Captain Morgan for him, and a bottle of wine for me--which my father assured was under $10 so I could write about it. Having been an English major in college, he used to critique every essay I wrote in elementary and high school. I think he's somewhat surprised that in my spare time I've taken up writing as a hobby. Granted, I'm writing about wines, still, but no doubt his mentoring in my youth served as the template for later works. He encourages my blog writing not only for creative expression but also so that he does not waste his time on cheap wines that aren't worth the trouble--I've figured you out, father!

Regardless, I'm familiar with Banrock varietals, they make a complete line of wines and they really are rather good. As a word of note to other cheap wine enthusiasts, wines from Australia tend to be on the cheaper side but they are quite good nonetheless. This one is no exception---delicious!