Friday, July 31, 2009

Barefoot - Red Zinfandel @@@@@ (5 corks!)

Retails: $7.99 (Wal-Mart)

Smooth is what best defines this red zinfandel. It has just enough flavor to be interesting but not overpowering. I'm shocked, truly. I've tried other Barefoot wines befoore and have never been overly impressed but this Zinfandel has knocked my socks off. The fact that it is also considered a Wine Buyer's Guide "Best Buy" doesn't hurt either.

I think what's really interesting about this wine is that it tastes expensive. I'm pretty sure you could serve it at a seriously fancy gathering and hear nothing but compliments, it's just that good. From the subtle berry flavor that turns peppery, to the carefully placed dryness that rests on the center of the tongue post-gulp, this is a fantastic wine.

There's a French wine drinking tradition called the "le gout d'amour" (luh goo d'amoor) or the love drop. It's extremely romantic, so all you dudes out there, listen up. After finishing a bottle of delicious wine with someone you love--or are romantically inclined to--place the empty bottle of wine on its side, wait about five seconds, carefully pour the drop into your girl's glass and explain that it's a French tradition...not only will she think you're dashing for extracting the last drop for her, but worldly and cultured. Let the festivities begin!