Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Trapiche - Pinot Noir @@@@ (4 corks)

Retails: $6.99 (Total Wine)

I love Total Wine. Seriously. I call it the "Wal-Mart" of wines, ONLY because it has absolutely every wine imaginable---including some super obscure wines I've only experienced in rare locales. It also happens to be about two minutes from my office, making for an easy and affordable stop on my way home. Totally off topic, but there's also a Super Target...you KNOW where my paycheck goes... I have to go there anyway. My live-in boyfriend is a huge Captain n' Coke (zero) fan and we traditionally have cocktail hour as soon as I get home. He's a big guy, 6 foot 3 and about 220, and goes through about a handle a week. (I have never seen him drunk. Ever.) I make a visit about every-other week.

After picking up his handles of Captain Morgan, I peruse the wine section like a woman peruses the shoe section. I love reading the commentaries. I love the monthly wine selection. I love that while providing an amazing collection of wines to choose from, it's still maintains a classiness and helpfulness that isn't present at so-called "big box" stores. In no way shape or form is Total Wine paying me for this...though they should (wink wink) Anywho, so...my favorite part is the "recommendation" section. As I've mentioned before, it presents a wide variety of tastes to choose form. Being a devoted wine blogger---and a lady in my 20's who's handling a mortgage---I'm always drawn to wines under $10.

This was one of those lovelies who made it into my repertoire by way of a recommendation. I love Pinot Noir. Long before it became a favorite due to its notoriety in Sideways, I loved Pinot Noir. An ex-boyfriend of mine was in the air force and was gone every other week in Europe, Germany in particular, and would always return with interesting European wines. Many of were quite dry and many of which were Pinots'.

This is a lovely Pinot from Argentina. Very drinkable, slightly tart taste at first that crossfades (there I go with video terms) into a soft, subtle, vulnerable berry flavor. Slight tannin flavor in the end with a subtle dryness in the finish. Lovely. Velvety. Delicious.